4.5/5 Based on Carl Sagan's novel of the same name, it is an inspiring film about the exploration of the unknown, which is the eternal theme of the progress of humanity. Also inspired Nolan's Interstellar (2014). The determination of space exploration despite obstacles ahead is the same in these two films. In Interstellar, the drive is more understandable as the space voyage harbours hope for saving mankind. In Contact, the motivation is seeking answers to big questions and the scientific truth. Exceptionally played by Jodie Foster, the brilliant and strong-minded female protagonist is a firm-believer and pursuer of science.
更了三集,好看。虽然有浓厚商业广告成分的意味(直播的几个号尤甚,看到片尾最最后打出的出品方:“淘宝”两个大字,恍然大悟),但导演带着团队仍然是做出了反映国内当下的Right Now能量场。时代跨越了,内外变化了,星空视频影视大全免费观看拥有热爱,总有热爱。